• Adjective

    joined or packed together; closely and firmly united; dense; solid
    compact soil.
    arranged within a relatively small space
    a compact shopping center; a compact kitchen.
    designed to be small in size and economical in operation.
    solidly or firmly built
    the compact body of a lightweight wrestler.
    expressed concisely; pithy; terse; not diffuse
    a compact review of the week's news.
    composed or made (usually fol. by of )
    a book compact of form and content.
    Also, bicompact. Mathematics . (of a set) having the property that in any collection of open sets whose union contains the given set there exists a finite number of open sets whose union contains the given set; having the property that every open cover has a finite subcover.

    Verb (used with object)

    to join or pack closely together; consolidate; condense.
    to make firm or stable.
    to form or make by close union or conjunction; make up or compose.
    Metallurgy . to compress (metallic or metallic and nonmetallic powders) in a die to be sintered.
    to crush into compact form for convenient disposal or for storage until disposal
    to compact rubbish.


    a small case containing a mirror, face powder, a puff, and sometimes rouge.
    Also called compact car. an automobile that is smaller than an intermediate but larger than a subcompact and generally has a combined passenger and luggage volume of 100?110 cu. ft. (2.8?3.1 m 3 ).
    Metallurgy . (in powder metallurgy) an object to be sintered formed of metallic or of metallic and nonmetallic powders compressed in a die.


    density , solidity

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