Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a written or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usually on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers.
a number of sheets of blank or ruled paper bound together for writing, recording business transactions, etc.
Cards . the number of basic tricks or cards that must be taken before any trick or card counts in the score.
Sports . a collection of facts and information about the usual playing habits, weaknesses, methods, etc., of an opposing team or player, esp. in baseball
Verb (used with object)
by the book
- according to the correct or established form; in the usual manner
- an unimaginative individual who does everything by the book.
make book
- to accept or place the bets of others, as on horse races, esp. as a business.
- to wager; bet
- You can make book on it that he won't arrive in time.
off the books, done or performed for cash or without keeping full business records: esp. as a way to avoid paying income tax, employment benefits
on the books
- entered in a list or record
- He claims to have graduated from Harvard, but his name is not on the books.
- album , atlas , bestseller , bible , booklet , brochure , codex , compendium , copy , dictionary , dissertation , edition , encyclopedia , essay , fiction , folio , handbook , hardcover , leaflet , lexicon , magazine , manual , monograph , nonfiction , novel , octavo , offprint , omnibus , opus , opuscule , pamphlet , paperback , periodical , portfolio , preprint , primer , publication , quarto , reader , reprint , roll , scroll , softcover , speller , text , textbook , thesaurus , tome , tract , treatise , vade mecum , volume , work , writing , agenda , list , notebook , pad , record , register , roster , almagest , almanac , annals , anthology , appendix , armorial , backlist , baedeker , bestiary , bibliotheca , biograph , breviary , cambist , catechism , chapbook , concordance , dispensatory , faction , festschrift , formulary , herbal , holograph , hornbook , incunabulum , lectionary , ledger , missal , pharmacopoeia , polygraph , potboiler , prequel , psalter , pulp , remainder , sequel , sleeper , tome (ponderous) , variorum
- bespeak , bill , charter , engage , enroll , enter , hire , line up , make reservation , order , organize , pencil in , preengage , procure , program , reserve , schedule , set up , sew up , accuse , charge , prefer charges , take into custody , catalog , inscribe , set down , write down , album , atlas , bible , brochure , diary , dictionary , document , fiction , folio , hardcover , log , manual , nonfiction , note , novel , opus , paperback , primer , record , register , story , tablet , text , tome , volume , writing
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