Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Anatomy, Zoology . the physical structure of a human being or animal, not including the head, limbs, and tail; trunk; torso.
the section of a vehicle, usually in the shape of a box, cylindrical container, or platform, in or on which passengers or the load is carried.
- mind , soul , spirit , abstract , concept , fantasy , immateriality , inanimate , thought , nothing , nothingness , individual , one
- anatomy , bag of bones , beefcake , bod , boody , build , carcass , chassis , constitution , embodiment , figure , form , frame , makeup , mortal part , protoplasm , shaft , shape , tenement , torso , trunk , ashes , bones , cadaver , carrion , clay , corpus delicti , dead body , deceased , dust , relic , remains , stiff * , being , creature , human , individual , mortal , party , person , personage , soul , assembly , basis , bed , box , core , corpus , crux , essence , fuselage , gist , gravamen , groundwork , hull , main part , majority , mass , material , matter , pith , skeleton , staple , substance , substructure , sum , tenor , total , whole , array , batch , bunch , bundle , clump , cluster , group , horde , lot , mob , multitude , parcel , set , society , throng , argument , burden , discourse , dissertation , evidence , exposition , heart , meat , sense , text , thesis , treatise , upshot , corpse , homo , life , man , band , bevy , clutch , collection , knot , corps , crew , detachment , gang , team , unit , assemblage , company , conclave , conference , congregation , congress , convention , convocation , crowd , gathering , meeting , muster , troop , bulk , object , amount , budget , quantum , association , axis , centrum , code , consistency , corporation , cuerpo , ectomorph , endomorph , extent , flesh , foundation , habitus , heavenly , hulk , mesomorph , nave , physique , stem , stiff , system , the physical person
phrasal verb
- exteriorize , externalize , incarnate , manifest , materialize , objectify , personalize , personify , substantiate
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