• Congress

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    ( initial capital letter )
    the national legislative body of the U.S., consisting of the Senate, or upper house, and the House of Representatives, or lower house, as a continuous institution.
    this body as it exists for a period of two years during which it has the same membership
    the 96th Congress.
    a session of this body
    to speak in Congress.
    the national legislative body of a nation, esp. of a republic.
    a formal meeting or assembly of representatives for the discussion, arrangement, or promotion of some matter of common interest.
    the act of coming together; an encounter; meeting.
    an association, esp. one composed of representatives of various organizations.
    familiar relations; dealings; intercourse.
    coitus; sexual intercourse.

    Verb (used without object)

    to assemble together; meet in congress.

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