Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Noun, plural -blies.
a group of persons gathered together, usually for a particular purpose, whether religious, political, educational, or social.
( often initial capital letter ) Government . a legislative body, esp. the lower house of the legislature in certain states of the U.S.
Military .
- a signal, as by drum or bugle, for troops to fall into ranks or otherwise assemble.
- the movement of forces, tanks, soldiers, etc., scattered by battle or battle drill, toward and into a small area.
- accumulation , aggregation , assemblage , association , band , body , bunch , clambake , cluster , coffee klatch , collection , company , conclave , confab , conference , convocation , council , crew , crowd , faction , flock , gathering , get-together , group , huddle , mass , meet * , meeting , multitude , rally , sit-in * , throng , turnout * , adjustment , attachment , building , connecting , construction , erection , fabrication , fitting together , joining , manufacture , manufacturing , modeling , molding , piecing together , setting up , shaping , welding , congregation , congress , convention , muster , troop , audience , auditorium , caucus , concourse , consistory , conventicle , diet , forum , galaxy , hall , junta , legislature , parliament , party , session , society , synod , tribunal
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