• Adjective

    lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid; dull-witted.
    lacking the power of speech (often offensive when applied to humans)
    a dumb animal.
    temporarily unable to speak
    dumb with astonishment.
    refraining from any or much speech; silent.
    made, done, etc., without speech.
    lacking some usual property, characteristic, etc.
    performed in pantomime; mimed.
    Computers . pertaining to the inability to do processing locally
    A dumb terminal can input, output, and display data, but cannot process it. Compare intelligent def. 4
    Nautical .
    (of a barge) without means of propulsion.
    (of any craft) without means of propulsion, steering, or signaling. ?

    Verb phrase

    dumb down, Informal . to make or become less intellectual, simpler, or less sophisticated
    to dumb down a textbook; American movies have dumbed down.


    speaking , bright , intelligent , sharp , smart

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