• Noun

    something that is put in.
    the act or process of putting in.
    the power or energy supplied to a machine.
    the current or voltage applied to an electric or electronic circuit or device. Compare output ( def. 4 ) .
    Computers .
    data to be entered into a computer for processing.
    the process of introducing data into the internal storage of a computer.
    contribution of information, ideas, opinions, or the like
    Before making a decision we need your input.
    the available data for solving a technical problem.
    Scot. a monetary contribution, as to charity.


    of or pertaining to data or equipment used for input
    The keyboard is my computer's main input device.

    Verb (used with object)

    Computers . to enter (data) into a computer for processing.
    to contribute (ideas, information, or suggestions) to a project, discussion, etc.

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