• Speaking

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    the act, utterance, or discourse of a person who speaks.
    speakings, literary works composed for recitation, as ancient bardic poetry; oral literature.


    that speaks.
    used in, suited to, or involving speaking or talking
    the speaking voice.
    of or pertaining to declamation.
    giving information as if by speech
    a speaking proof of a thing.
    highly expressive
    speaking eyes.
    a speaking likeness.


    not on speaking terms, not or no longer in a relationship of open, willing, or ready communication
    as because of resentment or estrangement
    They had a squabble during the holidays, and now they're not on speaking terms.
    on speaking terms
    in a relationship close enough for or limited to friendly superficialities
    I don't know the hosts well, but we are certainly on speaking terms.
    in a relationship of open, willing, or ready communication
    Now that the debt has been settled, I hope you and your partner are on speaking terms again.

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