Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Printing .
- the giving of prominence to particular words, sentences, etc., by the choice, size, and arrangement of types and position, as in an advertisement, headline, or news story.
- printed matter thus displayed.
an arrangement, as of merchandise, art objects, or flowers, designed to please the eye, attract buyers, etc.
- act , affectation , arrangement , array , arrayal , blaze , bravura , dash , demonstration , example , exhibit , exhibition , expo , exposition , exposure , fanfare , flourish , for show , frame-up , frippery , front , grandstand play , layout , manifestation , ostentation , ostentatiousness , pageant , panorama , parade , pedantry , pomp , presentation , pretension , pretentiousness , revelation , sample , scheme , shine , showboat , splash , splendor , splurge , spread , unfolding , vanity , show , panoply , spectacle , blazon , blazonry
- advertise , arrange , bare , betray , boast , brandish , bring to view , demonstrate , disclose , emblazon , evidence , evince , exhibit , expand , expose , extend , feature , flash , flaunt , flourish , glaze , grandstand * , illustrate , impart , lay bare , lay out , make clear , make known , manifest , model , open , open out , parade , perform , present , promote , promulgate , publish , represent , reveal , set out , showcase , show off , sport , spread out , stretch out , trot out * , uncover , unfold , unfurl , unmask , unroll , unveil , vamp , show , unclothe , proclaim , disport , carry , have , possess , communicate , convey , affectation , blazon , ceremony , discover , example , exhibition , indicate , pageant , pomp , sample , sight , spectacle , splendor , stage , wear
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