Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a repetition of sound produced by the reflection of sound waves from a wall, mountain, or other obstructing surface.
( initial capital letter ) Classical Mythology . a mountain nymph who pined away for love of the beautiful youth Narcissus until only her voice remained.
Cards . the play of a high card and then a low card in the suit led by one's partner as a signal to continue leading the suit, as in bridge, or to lead a trump, as in whist.
- answer , imitation , mirror , mirror image , onomatopoeia , parallel , parroting , rebound , reflection , reiteration , repercussion , repetition , reply , reproduction , reverberation , ringing , rubber stamp * , reflex , imitator , mimic , parrot , asdic , polyphony , resonance , reverberation. associated word: catacoustics , sonar
- ape , ditto * , do like , go like , imitate , impersonate , make like , mimic , mirror , parallel , parrot , react , recall , redouble , reflect , reiterate , reproduce , resemble , resound , respond , reverberate , ring , rubber-stamp , second , vibrate , rebound , reecho , repeat , image , copy , duplicate , imitation , iterate , response , revoice
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