Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a typically circular band of metal or other durable material, esp. one of gold or other precious metal, often set with gems, for wearing on the finger as an ornament, a token of betrothal or marriage, etc.
an enclosure in which boxing and wrestling matches take place, usually consisting of a square, canvas-covered platform with surrounding ropes that are supported at each corner by posts.
a group of persons cooperating for unethical, illicit, or illegal purposes, as to control stock-market prices, manipulate politicians, or elude the law
Chemistry . a number of atoms so united that they may be graphically represented in cyclic form. Compare chain ( def. 7 ) .
- arena , band , brim , circlet , circuit , circus , enclosure , eye , girdle , halo , hoop , loop , ringlet , rink , round , association , bloc , bunch , cabal , camp , cartel , cell , circle , clan , clique , coalition , combination , combine , corner , coterie , crew , crowd , faction , gang , in-group , junta , junto , knot , mafia , mob , monopoly , organization , outfit , party , pool , push , racket , syndicate , troop , troupe , trust , buzz , call , clangor , clank , jangle , jingle , knell , peal , reverberation , tinkle , toll , vibration , disk , gyre , wheel , pack , annulation , annulet , annulus , aureole , corona , encirclement , gimmal , grommet , lute , manilla , sonority , terret
- begird , belt , circle , circumscribe , compass , confine , enclose , encompass , gird , girdle , hem in , inclose , loop , move around , rim , round , seal off , surround , bang , beat , bong , buzz , clang , clap , jangle , jingle , knell , peal , play , pull , punch , resonate , resound , reverberate , sound , strike , tinkle , tintinnabulate , toll , vibrate , cincture , engirdle , girt , beset , encircle , environ , hedge , hem , chime , call , arena , aureole , band , bezel , border , bracelet , cartel , chock , circlet , circumnavigate , circus , clique , collar , collet , corona , coterie , ding , enclosure , eye , gang , gasket , group , halo , henge , hoop , mob , monopoly , organization , party , ringlet , syndicate
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