Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- common , conventional , expected , general , normal , ordinary , regular , unexceptional , usual , inferior , mediocre , ok , unnoteworthy , unprodigious
- aberrant , abnormal , anomalous , atypical , deviant , distinct , extraordinary , inconsistent , infrequent , notable , noteworthy , odd , peculiar , phenomenal , rare , remarkable , scarce , singular , special , strange , uncommon , uncustomary , unheard-of , unimaginable , unique , unordinary , unprecedented , unthinkable , [[unusualnotes:egregious means conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible; exceptional means well above average or surpassing what is common or usual or expectedexceptional means \'exceeding the ordinary or expected\'; exceptionable refers to something \'liable to objection or rejection\']] , brainy , fine , first-class , first-rate , good , high , marvelous , outstanding , premium , prodigious , superior , [[world-classnotes:egregious means conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible; exceptional means well above average or surpassing what is common or usual or expectedexceptional means \'exceeding the ordinary or expected\'; exceptionable refers to something \'liable to objection or rejection\']] , magnificent , preeminent , towering , unusual , a one , choice , irregular , nonpareil , novel , preternatural , supernal , supernatural , superordinary , surpassing , unparalleled , wonderful
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