Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Grammar . noting or pertaining to a member of the category of number found in many languages that indicates that a word form has one referent or denotes one person, place, thing, or instance, as English boy and thing, which are singular nouns, or goes, a singular form of the verb go. Compare dual ( def. 4 ) , plural ( def. 4 ) .
Logic .
- of or pertaining to something individual, specific, or not general.
- (of a proposition) containing no quantifiers, as Socrates was mortal.
- atypical , avant-garde , bizarre , breaking new ground , conspicuous , cool * , curious , eccentric , eminent , exceptional , extraordinary , loner , noteworthy , original , outlandish , out-of-the-way , outstanding , peculiar , prodigious , puzzling , queer , rare , remarkable , special , strange , uncommon , unimaginable , unordinary , unparalleled , unprecedented , unthinkable , unusual , unwonted , weird , certain , definite , discrete , exclusive , individual , one , only , particular , respective , single , sole , solitary , solo , unique , unrepeatable , separate , alone , incomparable , matchless , nonpareil , peerless , unequaled , unexampled , unmatched , unrivaled , magnificent , preeminent , towering , cranky , erratic , freakish , idiosyncratic , odd , quaint , quirky , unnatural , different , fantastic , isolated , lone , marvelous , novel , unconventional , whimsical
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