Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
of, pertaining to, or true of such persons or things in the main, with possible exceptions; common to most; prevalent; usual
considering or dealing with overall characteristics, universal aspects, or important elements, esp. without considering all details or specific aspects
- general instructions; a general description; a general resemblance one to another.
Military .
- U.S. Army and Air Force . an officer ranking above a lieutenant general and below a general of the army or general of the air force.
- U.S. Army . an officer of any of the five highest ranks
- a brigadier general, major general, lieutenant general, general, or general of the army.
- U.S. Marine Corps . an officer holding the highest rank in the corps.
- (in numerous armies) an officer in the highest, second, or third highest rank, as one ranking immediately below a field marshal in the British army.
- abnormal , exceptional , extraordinary , individual , novel , rare , unaccepted , uncommon , unique , unusual , circumscribed , definite , exact , limited , particular , singular , specific
- accustomed , broad , commonplace , conventional , customary , everyday , extensive , familiar , generic , habitual , humdrum , inclusive , matter-of-course , natural , normal , ordinary , popular , prevailing , prevalent , public , regular , routine , run-of-the-mill * , typical , uneventful , universal , usual , wide , widespread , wonted , ill-defined , imprecise , inaccurate , indefinite , loose , not partial , not particular , not specific , uncertain , undetailed , unspecific , vague , across-the-board * , all-around * , all-embracing , all-inclusive * , ample , blanket , catholic , collective , comprehending , diffuse , ecumenical , encyclopedic , endless , far-reaching , global , indiscriminate , infinite , limitless , miscellaneous , overall , panoramic , sweeping , taken as a whole , total , ubiquitous , unconfined , unlimited , worldwide , common , communal , conjoint , joint , mutual , democratic , average , all-around , all-inclusive , all-round , broad-spectrum , comprehensive , expansive , extended , far-ranging , large , wide-ranging , wide-reaching , diversified , anesthetic , approximate , basic , commander , cosmic , cosmopolitan , encyclic , endemic , en masse , epidemic , hospital , inexact , leader , macroscopic , officer , pandemic , rank , synoptic , true , unrestricted , versatile
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