• Factor

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    one of the elements contributing to a particular result or situation
    Poverty is only one of the factors in crime.
    Mathematics . one of two or more numbers, algebraic expressions, or the like, that when multiplied together produce a given product; a divisor
    6 and 3 are factors of 18.
    Biochemistry . any of certain substances necessary to a biochemical or physiological process, esp. those whose exact nature and function are unknown.
    a business organization that lends money on accounts receivable or buys and collects accounts receivable.
    a person who acts or transacts business for another; an agent.
    an agent entrusted with the possession of goods to be sold in the agent's name; a merchant earning a commission by selling goods belonging to others.
    a person or business organization that provides money for another's new business venture; one who finances another's business.
    factor of production.
    Scot. the steward or bailiff of an estate.

    Verb (used with object)

    Mathematics . to express (a mathematical quantity) as a product of two or more quantities of like kind, as 30 = 235, or x 2 ? y 2 = ( x + y ) ( x ? y ). Compare expand ( def. 4a ) .
    to act as a factor for.

    Verb (used without object)

    to act as a factor. ?

    Verb phrase

    factor in or into, to include as an essential element, esp. in forecasting or planning
    You must factor insurance payments into the cost of maintaining a car.

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