Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
some entity, object, or creature that is not or cannot be specifically designated or precisely described
- implements, utensils, or other articles for service
- I'll wash the breakfast things.
- personal possessions or belongings
- Pack your things and go!
do or find one's own thing, Informal . to pursue a lifestyle that expresses one's self. Also
- do or find one's thing.
- affair , anything , apparatus , article , being , body , business , circumstance , commodity , concept , concern , configuration , contrivance , corporeality , creature , device , element , entity , everything , existence , existent , fact , figure , form , gadget , goods , implement , individual , information , instrument , item , machine , material , materiality , matter , means , mechanism , object , part , person , phenomenon , piece , point , portion , shape , situation , stuff , subject , substance , tool , word , accomplishment , action , deed , doing , duty , episode , event , eventuality , exploit , feat , happening , incident , job , movement , obligation , occasion , occurrence , proceeding , stunt , task , work , attribute , detail , facet , factor , feature , particular , property , quality , statement , thought , trait , attitude , bee in bonnet , craze , fad , fetish , fixation , hang-up * , ide fixe , impression , mania , notion , opinion , phobia , preoccupation , quirk , style , something , contraption , gimmick , jigger , belonging , good , lares and penates , personal effects , personal property , possession , accouterment , equipment , gear , materiel , paraphernalia , rig , tackle , turnout , development , news , obsession , furor , mode , rage , trend , vogue , long suit , mtier , specialty , strong point , strong suit , act , doohickey , fashion , forte , gizmo , idea , junk , noumenon , oddity , reason , referent , res gestae
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