• Goose

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    any of numerous wild or domesticated, web-footed swimming birds of the family Anatidae, esp. of the genera Anser and Branta, most of which are larger and have a longer neck and legs than the ducks.
    the female of this bird, as distinguished from the male, or gander.
    the flesh of a goose, used as food.
    a silly or foolish person; simpleton.
    Slang . a poke between the buttocks to startle.
    Informal . anything that energizes, strengthens, or the like
    to give the economy a badly needed goose.
    a tailor's smoothing iron with a curved handle.
    an obsolete board game played with dice and counters in which a player whose cast falls in a square containing the picture of a goose is allowed to advance double the number of his or her throw.

    Verb (used with object)

    Slang . to poke (a person) between the buttocks to startle.
    Informal .
    to prod or urge to action or an emotional reaction
    The promise of time off may goose the workers and increase profits.
    to strengthen or improve (often fol. by up )
    Let's goose up the stew with some wine.
    to increase; raise (often fol. by up )
    to goose up government loans in weak industries.
    to give a spurt of fuel to (a motor) to increase speed. ?


    cook someone's goose, Informal . to ruin someone's hopes, plans, chances
    His goose was cooked when they found the stolen gems in his pocket.

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