Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Adjective, -er, -est.
not having much moral strength or firmness, resolution, or force of character
- to prove weak under temptation; weak compliance.
(of Germanic verbs) inflected with suffixes, without inherited change of the root vowel, as English work, worked, or having a preterit ending in a dental, as English bring, brought.
- anemic , debilitated , decrepit , delicate , effete , enervated , exhausted , faint , feeble , flaccid , flimsy , forceless , fragile , frail , hesitant , impuissant , infirm , insubstantial , irresolute , lackadaisical * , languid , languorous , limp , makeshift , out of gas , powerless , prostrate , puny , rickety , rocky * , rotten , senile , shaky , sickly , sluggish , spent , spindly , supine , tender , torpid , uncertain , undependable , unsound , unsteady , unsubstantial , wasted , wavering , weakened , weakly , wobbly , faint-hearted , fluctuant , frightened , impotent , indecisive , ineffectual , insecure , laid-back * , nerveless , nervous , palsied , soft , spineless , timorous , unreliable , unstable , unsure , vacillating , weak-kneed , wimpy , wishy-washy * , zero * , bated , dim , distant , dull , gentle , imperceptible , inaudible , indistinct , low , muffled , pale , poor , quiet , reedy , slight , small , stifled , thin , unaccented , unstressed , whispered , faulty , flabby , green * , handicapped , hollow , immature , implausible , improbable , inadequate , incompetent , incomplete , inconceivable , inconclusive , incredible , ineffective , inept , invalid , lacking , lame , limited , pathetic , raw , shallow , slim , substandard , thick , unbelievable , unconvincing , unprepared , unqualified , unsatisfactory , untrained , wanting , accessible , assailable , defenseless , helpless , indefensible , unguarded , unprotected , unsafe , untenable , wide-open * , woundable , dilute , diluted , insipid , milk-and-water , runny , tasteless , washy , waterish , watery , precarious , tottering , tottery , incapable , watered-down , unconceivable , anile , anodyne , asthenic , atonic , attenuated , bland , brittle , cowardly , debilitating , defective , degenerate , devitalized , devitalizing , dissolute , effeminate , emasculated , enervating , enfeebled , errable , erring , etiolated , exposed , fallible , feckless , gauzy , illogical , indiscreet , inefficacious , invertebrate , lethargic , lily-livered , peccable , pliable , pliant , pregnable , sleazy , tenuous , unsustained , valetudinarian , vapid , vulnerable , weakening , wishy-washy , worn , young
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