• Heard

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    to perceive by the ear
    Didn't you hear the doorbell?
    to learn by the ear or by being told; be informed of
    to hear news.
    to listen to; give or pay attention to
    They refused to hear our side of the argument.
    to be among the audience at or of (something)
    to hear a recital.
    to give a formal, official, or judicial hearing to (something); consider officially, as a judge, sovereign, teacher, or assembly
    to hear a case.
    to take or listen to the evidence or testimony of (someone)
    to hear the defendant.
    to listen to with favor, assent, or compliance.
    (of a computer) to perceive by speech recognition.

    Verb (used without object)

    to be capable of perceiving sound by the ear; have the faculty of perceiving sound vibrations.
    to receive information by the ear or otherwise
    to hear from a friend.
    to listen with favor, assent, or compliance (often fol. by of )
    I will not hear of your going.
    (of a computer) to be capable of perceiving by speech recognition.
    (used interjectionally in the phrase Hear! Hear! to express approval, as of a speech).

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