Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
an abstract or summary of the major points in a work of prose or poetry, or of sections of such a work.
Mathematics .
- an independent variable of a function.
- Also called amplitude. the angle made by a given vector with the reference axis.
- the angle corresponding to a point representing a given complex number in polar coordinates. Compare principal argument .
- altercation , beef , bickering , blowup , bone , bone of contention , bone to pick , brannigan * , brawl , brush , clash , controversy , crusher , debate , difference of opinion , disagreement , dispute , donnybrook , dustup , exchange , face-off , falling , feud , finisher , flap , fuss , gin , go * , hassle , knockdown * , knock down and drag out , out , quarrel , rhubarb * , romp , row , ruckus , ruction , rumpus , run-in , scene , scrap , set-to , shindy * , spat , squabble , static * , stew * , talking heads , tiff , words , wrangle , argumentation , assertion , case , claim , contention , defense , discussion , expostulation , grounds , line of reasoning , logic , plea , pleading , polemic , proof , questioning , reason , reasoning , remonstrance , remonstration , bicker , difficulty , fight , word , point , ground , wherefore , why , matter , subject matter , text , theme , topic , combat , difference , discourse , disputation , plot , rhubarb , statement , stew , summary
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