Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
of or pertaining to an experimental design that prevents investigators or subjects from knowing the hypotheses or conditions being tested.
Verb (used with object)
a window covering having horizontal or vertical slats that can be drawn out of the way, often with the angle of the slats adjustable to admit varying amounts of light.
- amaurotic , blind as a bat , dark , destitute of vision , eyeless , groping , in darkness , purblind , typhlotic , undiscerning , unseeing , unsighted , visionless , careless , heedless , ignorant , imperceptive , inattentive , inconsiderate , indiscriminate , injudicious , insensitive , myopic , nearsighted , neglectful , oblivious , thoughtless , unaware , unconscious , unmindful , unobservant , unperceiving , unreasoning , hasty , impetuous , irrational , mindless , rash , reckless , senseless , shortsighted , unthinking , violent , wild , blocked , closed , closed at one end , concealed , dead-end , dim , disguised , impassable , leading nowhere , obscured , obstructed , secluded , unmarked , without egress , without exit , sightless , dull , uncomprehending , unperceptive , besotted , crapulent , crapulous , drunken , inebriate , inebriated , intoxicated , sodden , tipsy , hidden , blindly , covered , doctrinaire , illegible , intricate , involved , obscure , undiscriminating , unintelligible
- blinder , blindfold , blinker , camouflage , cloak , cover , curtain , facade , front , mask , trap , veil , ablepsia , aimless , amaurosis , ambush , ate , bandage , benight , blank , blend , blindness , braille , cecity , concealed , dark , daze , dazzle , deceitful , decoy , defective , dull , eclipse , eyeless , feint sophistry , hemianopsia , hidden , hood , hoodwink , ignorance , ignorant , impasse , incomplete , inebriated , insensate , intoxicated , involved , misleading , myopic , nearsighted , nyctalopia , obscure , obscurity , pretense , pretext , ruse , screen , secret , senseless , shade , shortsighted , shutter , sightless , sightlessness , stratagem , subterfuge , typhlology , unaware , unseeing
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