Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- arrive at , ascertain , assume , believe , collect , conjecture , construe , deduce , derive , draw , draw inference , figure , figure out , gather , glean , guess , induce , interpret , intuit , judge , presume , presuppose , reach conclusion , read between lines , read into , reason , reckon , speculate , suppose , surmise , think , understandnotes:a speaker or writer implies , a hearer or reader infers , and implications are incorporated in statements while inferences are deduced from statements; imply means \'suggest indirectly that something is true\' while infer means \'conclude or deduce something is true\' and , further , to imply is to suggest or throw out a suggestion while to infer is to include or take in a suggestioninfer means \'to deduce , reason\' and imply means \'to hint at , suggest\' , conclude , deduct , understand , drive , educe , extrapolate , hint , imply , opine , work out
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