Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Music . a short succession of musical notes, as either a melody or a group of chords, that produces a single complete and distinct impression.
Geometry . a combination of geometric elements disposed in a particular form or shape
- The circle, square, and polygon are plane figures. The sphere, cube, and polyhedron are solid figures.
Logic . the form of a categorical syllogism with respect to the relative position of the middle term.
Optics . the precise curve required on the surface of an optical element, esp. the mirror or correcting plate of a reflecting telescope.
Verb (used with object)
Verb phrases
figure on, Informal .
- to count or rely on.
- to take into consideration; plan on
- You had better figure on running into heavy traffic leaving the city.
- amount , character , chiffer , cipher , cost , digit , integer , number , price , quotation , rate , sum , symbol , terms , total , worth , anatomy , appearance , attitude , bod , body , build , carriage , cast , chassis * , configuration , conformation , constitution , delineation , development , frame , mass , measurements , outline , physique , pose , posture , proportions , shadow , silhouette , substance , torso , composition , decoration , device , diagram , drawing , effigy , embellishment , emblem , illustration , image , model , mold , motif , motive , ornamentation , pattern , piece , portrait , representation , sketch , statue , celebrity , dignitary , force , leader , notability , notable , personage , personality , presence , somebody , worthy , arithmetic , computation , shape , design , atlantes , bust , caryatid , conspicuousness , dash , figurehead , figurine , form , likeness , numeral , show , telamones , tournure , type
- add , cast , cipher , count , count heads , count noses , cut ice , dope out * , enumerate , estimate , fix a price , foot * , guess , keep tabs , number , reckon , run down , sum , summate , take account of , tally , tot , total , totalize , tote , tot up , work out , catch on to , clear up , comprehend , conclude , crack , decipher , decode , determine , discover , disentangle , fathom , follow , get * , make heads or tails of , make out * , master , opine , puzzle out , reason , resolve , rule , see , settle , solve , suppose , think , think out , unfold , unravel , unriddle , unscramble , untangle , compute , consider , deem , hold , amount , calculate , character , contrive , cost , digit , emblem , form , gargoyle , numeral , plan , price , quotation , rate , represent , scheme , symbol , symbolize , topiary , typify , value
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