• Verb (used with object)

    to give or provide the meaning of; explain; explicate; elucidate
    to interpret the hidden meaning of a parable.
    to construe or understand in a particular way
    to interpret a reply as favorable.
    to bring out the meaning of (a dramatic work, music, etc.) by performance or execution.
    to perform or render (a song, role in a play, etc.) according to one's own understanding or sensitivity
    The actor interpreted Lear as a weak, pitiful old man.
    to translate orally.
    Computers .
    to transform (a program written in a high-level language) with an interpreter into a sequence of machine actions, one statement at a time, executing each statement immediately before going on to transform the next one.
    to read (the patterns of holes in punched cards) with an interpreter, printing the interpreted data on the same cards so that they can be read more conveniently by people. Compare interpreter ( def. 3 ) .

    Verb (used without object)

    to translate what is said in a foreign language.
    to explain something; give an explanation.


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