Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Baseball .
- to cause the advance of (a base runner) by a base hit or sacrifice fly
- He drove him home with a scratch single.
- to cause (a run) to be scored by a base hit or sacrifice fly
- He drove in two runs.
Verb (used without object)
a road for vehicles, esp. a scenic one, as in or along a park, or a short one, as an approach to a house.
Sports .
- an act or instance of driving a ball, puck, shuttlecock, or the like.
- the flight of such a ball, puck, shuttlecock, or the like, that has been driven with much force.
- airing , commute , excursion , expedition , hitch , jaunt , joyride , lift , outing , pickup , ramble , ride , run , spin , sunday drive , tour , trip , turn , whirl , action , advance , appeal , crusade , effort , enterprise , get-up-and-go , initiative , push , surge , ambition , clout , energy , fire in belly , goods * , gumption * , guts * , impellent , impetus , impulse , momentum , motivation , motive , moxie * , pep , pressure , punch * , push * , right stuff * , spunk * , steam * , stuff * , vigor , vitality , what it takes , zip * , avenue , boulevard , expressway , freeway , highway , path , road , roadway , route , street , superhighway , thoroughfare , thruway , turnpike , campaign , movement , hustle , punch
- actuate , act upon , animate , arouse , bulldoze * , chase , coerce , compel , constrain , dog * , egg on * , encourage , force , goad , goose * , harass , hasten , herd , hound * , hurl , hurry , hustle , impel , induce , inspire , instigate , kick , lean on , make , motivate , nag , oblige , overburden , overwork , pound , press , pressure , prod , prompt , propel , provoke , push , put up to , railroad * , ride herd on * , rouse , rush , send , shepherd , shove , spirit up , spur , steamroll , stimulate , work on , worry , advance , bear down , bicycle , bike , burn rubber * , burn up the road , coast , cruise , cycle , dash , direct , drag , fire up , floor it * , fly , guide , handle , lean on it , make sparks fly , manage , mobilize , motor , operate , pour it on , ride , roll , run , speed , spin , start , steer , step on it , step on the gas , tailgate , tool * , transport , travel , turn , vehiculate , wheel , batter , beat , butt , dig , hammer , jackhammer , knock , maul , plunge , pop , punch , ram , shoot , sink , smite , sock , stab , stick , strike , throw , thrust , thump , twack , whack * , wham * , forge , lunge , pilot , move , task , tax , fag , moil , strain , strive , sweat , toil , travail , tug , work , drill , implant , inculcate , instill , stalk
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