• Knuckle

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a joint of a finger, esp. one of the articulations of a metacarpal with a phalanx.
    the rounded prominence of such a joint when the finger is bent.
    a joint of meat, consisting of the parts about the carpal or tarsal joint of a quadruped.
    an angle or protrusion at the intersection of two members or surfaces, as in the timbers of a ship or in a roof.
    brass knuckles.
    a cylindrical projecting part on a hinge, through which an axis or pin passes; the joint of a hinge.
    (in a wire mesh) a bend in a wire crossing another wire.
    (on a chair arm) one of the ridges left at the front end by longitudinal flutes carved to accommodate the fingers.
    Nautical . a pronounced edge formed by a change in the form of the shell of a hull.

    Verb (used with object)

    to rub or press with the knuckles.
    Marbles . to shoot (a marble) from the thumb and forefinger. ?

    Verb phrase

    knuckle down,
    to apply oneself vigorously and earnestly; become serious
    Just knuckle down for an hour or so and finish the work.
    Also, knuckle under. to submit; yield.

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