Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
the manner in which an object is perfected or finished in its preparation, or an effect imparted in finishing.
- accomplishment , achievement , acquirement , acquisition , annihilation , attainment , cease , cessation , close , closing , culmination , curtain * , curtains * , death , defeat , denouement , desistance , end , ending , end of the line , end of the road , finale , finis , last , last stage , ruin , stop , termination , terminus , winding-up , wind-up , wrap , wrap-up , appearance , beauty , burnish , cultivation , culture , elaboration , glaze , grace , grain , lacquer , luster , patina , perfection , polish , refinement , shine , smoothness , surface , texture , veneer , closure , completion , conclusion , consummation , period , stopping point , terminus ad quem
- accomplish , achieve , bag it , break up , bring to a close , carry through , cease , clinch , close , complete , conclude , crown * , culminate , deal with , determine , discharge , do , effect , end , execute , finalize , fold , fulfill , get out of the way , halt , hang it up , have done with , make , make short work of , mop up , perfect , put finishing touches on , round off * , round up * , scratch , scrub , settle , sew up , shut down , shutter , stop , terminate , top off * , ultimate , wind up * , wrap , wrap up * , deplete , devour , dispatch , dispose of , drain , drink , eat , empty , exhaust , expend , go , run through * , spend , use , wash up * , annihilate , assassinate , best * , bring down * , carry off * , destroy , do in * , down , exterminate , get rid of * , liquidate , overcome , overpower , put an end to , put away * , rout , rub out * , ruin , slaughter , slay , take off * , take out * , vaporize , worst * , coat , develop , elaborate , face , gild , lacquer , polish , refine , smooth , stain , texture , veneer , wax , come in , place , consummate , wind up , wrap up , consume , draw down , eat up , play out , run through , use up , carry off , cut down , cut off , kill , bankrupt , break down , cross up , demolish , shatter , sink , smash , spoil , torpedo , undo , wash up , wrack , wreck , coating , completion , conclusion , defeat , die , dispose , finis , glaze , limit , perfection , surface , windup
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