Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- ( used with a singular or plural verb ) a place or establishment for manufacturing (often used in combination)
- ironworks.
- the working parts of a machine
- the works of a watch.
- Theology . righteous deeds.
Verb phrases
work in or into,
- to bring or put in; add, merge, or blend
- The tailor worked in the patch skillfully. Work the cream into the hands until it is completely absorbed.
- to arrange a time or employment for
- The dentist was very busy, but said she would be able to work me in late in the afternoon. They worked him into the new operation.
work off,
- to lose or dispose of, as by exercise or labor
- We decided to work off the effects of a heavy supper by walking for an hour.
- to pay or fulfill by working
- He worked off his debt by doing odd jobs.
work out,
- to bring about by work, effort, or action.
- to solve, as a problem.
- to arrive at by or as by calculation.
- to pay (a debt) by working instead of paying money.
- to exhaust, as a mine.
- to issue in a result.
- to evolve; elaborate.
- to amount to (a total or specified figure); add up (to)
- The total works out to 176.
- to prove effective or successful
- Their marriage just didn't work out.
- to practice, exercise, or train, esp. in order to become proficient in an athletic sport
- The boxers are working out at the gym tonight.
work over,
- to study or examine thoroughly
- For my term paper I worked over 30 volumes of Roman history.
- Informal . to beat unsparingly, esp. in order to obtain something or out of revenge
- They threatened to work him over until he talked.
at work
- working, as at one's job
- He's at work on a new novel.
- in action or operation
- to see the machines at work.
- assignment , attempt , commission , daily grind , drudge , drudgery , effort , elbow grease * , endeavor , exertion , functioning , grind , grindstone , industry , job , moil , muscle , obligation , pains , performance , production , push , salt mines , servitude , slogging , stint , stress , striving , struggle , sweat * , task , toil , travail , trial , trouble , undertaking , activity , art , calling , commitment , contract , craft , do * , duty , employment , gig * , grind * , line , line of business , livelihood , mtier , nine-to-five , office , practice , profession , pursuit , racket * , responsibility , skill , slot * , specialization , swindle , thing * , trade , vocation , walk , act , application , article , composition , creation , deed , end product , function , handicraft , handiwork , oeuvre , opus , output , piece , product , career , occupation , action , doing , thing , title , volume , factory , mill , plant , craftsmanship , workmanship , aggregate , all , entirety , everything , gross , sum , total , totality
- apply oneself , be gainfully employed , buckle down * , carry on , dig , do a job , do business , drive , drudge , earn a living , freelance , have a job , hold a job , hustle * , knuckle down * , labor , manage , manufacture , moil , moonlight , nine-to-five it , peg away , plug away , ply , punch a clock , pursue , report , scratch , slave , slog * , specialize , strain , strive , sweat * , take on , toil , try , accomplish , achieve , act , behave , bring about , carry out , cause , contrive , control , create , direct , effect , execute , force , function , go , handle , implement , maneuver , move , perform , progress , react , run , serve , take , tick , use , wield , care for , dress , farm , fashion , knead , make , manipulate , mold , process , shape , tend , till , fag , sweat , travail , tug , operate , come off , go over , pan out , work out , solve
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