• Moldable

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a hollow form or matrix for giving a particular shape to something in a molten or plastic state.
    the shape created or imparted to a thing by a mold.
    something formed in or on a mold
    a mold of jelly.
    a frame on which something is formed or made.
    shape or form.
    a prototype, example, or precursor.
    a distinctive nature, character, or type
    a person of a simple mold.
    Shipbuilding .
    a three-dimensional pattern used to shape a plate after it has been softened by heating.
    a template for a frame.
    Architecture .
    a molding.
    a group of moldings.

    Verb (used with object)

    to work into a required shape or form; shape.
    to shape or form in or on a mold.
    Metallurgy . to form a mold of or from, in order to make a casting.
    to produce by or as if by shaping material; form.
    to have influence in determining or forming
    to mold the character of a child.
    to ornament with moldings.


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