Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Literature . (esp. in 17th- and 18th-century England) a formal character sketch or descriptive analysis of a particular human virtue or vice as represented in a person or type. Compare character sketch .
Genetics . any trait, function, structure, or substance of an organism resulting from the effect of one or more genes as modified by the environment.
Computers .
- any symbol, as a number, letter, punctuation mark, etc., that represents data and that, when encoded, is usable by a machine.
- one of a set of basic symbols that singly or in a series of two or more represents data and, when encoded, is usable in a computer.
- appearance , aspect , attribute , badge , bent , caliber , cast , complex , complexion , constitution , crasis , disposition , emotions , estimation , ethos , frame , frame of mind , genius , grain , habit , humor , kind , makeup , mettle , mood , morale , mystique , nature , personality , quality , record , reputation , repute , sense , set , shape , singularity , sort , specialty , spirit , standing , streak , style , temper , temperament , tone , trait , turn , type , veinnotes:character is what one is; reputation is what one is thought to be by others , courage , fame , honor , intelligence , mind , name , place , position , rank , rectitude , rep , report , station , status , uprightnessnotes:character is what one is; reputation is what one is thought to be by others , card * , case * , clown , crank * , customer * , duck * , eccentric , figure , freak , nut , oddball , oddity , original * , personage , queer , spook * , wack , weirdo , zombienotes:character is what one is; reputation is what one is thought to be by others , cipher , device , emblem , hieroglyph , letter , logo , mark , monogram , number , numeral , rune , sign , typenotes:character is what one is; reputation is what one is thought to be by others , impersonation , part , personification , rolenotes:character is what one is; reputation is what one is thought to be by others , fiber , honesty , integrity , principle , characteristic , feature , peculiarity , property , savor , recommendation , testimonial , eminence , leader , lion , nabob , notability , notable , original , persona , symbol , accoutrement , brand , card , dramatis personae , eccentricity , engrave , essence , ethic , identity , idiosyncrasy , impress , individuality , lead , lineaments , mold , personae , protagonist , redeeming feature , role , soul , stamp , star , symptom , texture , vagary , values
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