• Adjective

    uttered by the mouth; spoken
    oral testimony.
    of, using, or transmitted by speech
    oral methods of language teaching; oral traditions.
    of, pertaining to, or involving the mouth
    the oral cavity.
    done, taken, or administered through the mouth
    an oral dose of medicine.
    Phonetics . articulated with none of the voice issuing through the nose, as the normal English vowels and the consonants b and v.
    Psychoanalysis .
    of or pertaining to the earliest phase of infantile psychosexual development, lasting from birth to one year of age or longer, during which pleasure is obtained from eating, sucking, and biting.
    of or pertaining to the sublimation of feelings experienced during the oral stage of childhood
    oral anxiety.
    of or pertaining to gratification by stimulation of the lips or membranes of the mouth, as in sucking, eating, or talking
    Zoology . pertaining to that surface of polyps and marine animals that contains the mouth and tentacles.


    an oral examination in a school, college, or university, given esp. to a candidate for an advanced degree.


    printed , written


    articulate , ejaculatory , lingual , narrated , phonated , phonetic , phonic , recounted , related , said , sonant , sounded , told , unwritten , uttered , verbal , viva voce , vocal , voiced , [[word-of-mouthnotes:oral applies only to the spoken word but verbal can describe both spoken and written; oral means \'by mouth\' or \'by spoken word\' and verbal means \'written or spoken word\' - so an oral agreement is spoken but a verbal agreement can be spoken or written]] , spoken , word-of-mouth , aloud , buccal , catechistic , declamatory , nuncupative , oratorical , parole , rhetorical , tacit , vial

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