• Rose

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    any of the wild or cultivated, usually prickly-stemmed, pinnate-leaved, showy-flowered shrubs of the genus Rosa. Compare rose family .
    any of various related or similar plants.
    the flower of any such shrub, of a red, pink, white, or yellow color.
    the traditional reddish color of this flower, variously a purplish red, pinkish red, or light crimson.
    an ornament shaped like or suggesting this flower.
    a pink or pinkish-red color in the cheek.
    rose window.
    Heraldry . a representation of a wild rose with five petals, usually seeded and barbed in a symmetrical design and used esp. as the cadency mark of a seventh son.
    any of various diagrams showing directions radiating from a common center, as a compass card or wind rose.
    Jewelry .
    an obsolete gem style or cut, flat on the bottom and having an upper side with from 12, or fewer, to 32 triangular facets.
    a gem with this cut.
    a perforated cap or plate, as at the end of a pipe or the spout of a watering pot, to break a flow of water into a spray.
    an ornamental plate or socket surrounding the shaft of a doorknob at the face of a door.
    Mathematics . a plane polar curve consisting of three or more equal loops that meet at the origin. Equation
    r a sin( n? or r a cos( n?


    of the color rose.
    for, containing, or growing roses
    a rose garden.
    scented like a rose.

    Verb (used with object)

    to make rose-colored.
    to flush (the face, cheeks, etc.). ?


    come up roses, Informal . to turn out all right; result in success, glory
    or profit
    Despite setbacks, things should come up roses in the long run.


    blush , flush , pink , red , rosette , rouge

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