Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- bigoted , clannish , cliquish , dissident , doctrinaire , dogmatic , factional , fanatic , fanatical , hidebound , insular , limited , local , nonconforming , nonconformist , parochial , partisan , provincial , rigid , schismatic , skeptical , small-town , splinternotes:sectarian means of or relating to or characteristic of a sect or sects , while secular means not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body or not religious or spiritual in nature
- adherent , bigot , cohort , disciple , dissenter , dissident , dogmatist , extremist , fanatic , heretic , maverick , misbeliever , nonconformist , partisan , radical , rebel , revolutionary , satellite , schismatic , separatist , supporter , true believer , zealotnotes:sectarian means of or relating to or characteristic of a sect or sects , while secular means not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body or not religious or spiritual in nature , sectary , separationist , bigoted , factional , limited , narrow-minded , parochial , zealot
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