• Soup

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a liquid food made by boiling or simmering meat, fish, or vegetables with various added ingredients.
    Slang . a thick fog.
    Slang . added power, esp. horsepower.
    Slang . nitroglycerine.
    Photography Slang . developing solution. ?

    Verb phrase

    soup up, Slang .
    to improve the capacity for speed or increase the efficiency of (a motor or engine) by increasing the richness of the fuel mixture or the efficiency of the fuel, or by adjusting the engine.
    to give spirit or vivacity to; enliven
    a political rally souped up by the appearance of the candidates.


    from soup to nuts
    from the first through the last course of a meal.
    from beginning to end; to a complete, encompassing degree; leaving nothing out.
    in the soup
    Informal . in trouble
    He'll be in the soup when the truth comes out.

    tác giả

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