Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Navigation .
- a charted position of a vessel or aircraft, determined by two or more bearings taken on landmarks, heavenly bod-ies, etc.
- the determining of the position of a ship, plane, etc., by mathematical, electronic, or other means
- The navigator took a fix on the sun and steered the ship due north.
- box * , corner * , dilemma , embarrassment , hole * , hot water , jam * , mess * , pickle * , plight , predicament , quandary , scrape , spot *
- affix , anchor , attach , bind , catch , cement , congeal , connect , consolidate , couple , embed , entrench , fasten , freeze to , glue , graft , harden , implant , inculcate , infix , ingrain , install , instill , link , locate , lodge , moor , nail down * , pin , place , plant , position , rigidify , rivet , root , secure , set , settle , solidify , stabilize , stay put , steady , stick , stiffen , thicken , tie , agree on , appoint , arrange , arrive at , conclude , define , establish , limit , name , resolve , solve , specify , work , work out , adjust , amend , correct , debug , doctor , do up * , emend , face-lift * , fiddle with , overhaul , patch , put to rights , rebuild , recondition , reconstruct , regulate , restore , retread , revamp , revise , see to * , sort , tune up , dispose , frame , prearrange , precontrive , predesign , preorder , preplan , put up , rig * , set up , stack the deck , concenter , concentrate , direct , fixate , level at , put , fit , get , get ready , heat , make , make up , microwave , prepare , ready , warm , whip up * , bribe , buy , buy off , corrupt , fiddle * , have , lubricate , maneuver , pull strings , reach , square , suborn , tamper with , cook someone’s goose , get * , get even , get revenge , hurt , pay back , punish , take retribution , ensconce , seat , clip , etch , grave , impress , imprint , inscribe , stamp , decree , impose , lay down , ordain , prescribe , dispose of , negotiate , assign , blame , impute , pin on , fix up , mend , repair , right
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