Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- able-bodied , alive and kicking , blooming , bright-eyed , bushy-tailed , chipper * , fine , fit , flourishing , fresh , great , hale , hardy , hearty , husky , in good health , in the pink , right , right as rain , robust , sane , solid as a rock , sound , strong , strong as an ox , together , trim , up to par , vigorous , whole , wholesome , wrapped tightnotes:using good as an adverb in place of well (\"she dances real good , \" \"he did good\") is nonstandard usage - so , it would be best to say \"she dances very well , \" \"he did well\"well is an adverb to describe an activity; good is an adjective to describe a condition or state , advisable , agreeable , bright , comfortable , fitting , good , happy , pleasing , profitable , proper , prosperous , providential , prudent , satisfactory , thriving , usefulnotes:using good as an adverb in place of well (\"she dances real good , healthful , expedient , recommendable
- ably , accurately , adeptly , adequately , admirably , agreeably , attentively , capitally , carefully , closely , commendably , competently , completely , conscientiously , correctly , effectively , efficiently , excellently , expertly , famously , favorably , fully , in a satisfactory manner , irreproachably , nicely , proficiently , profoundly , properly , rightly , satisfactorily , skillfully , smoothly , soundly , splendidly , strongly , successfully , suitably , thoroughly , with skillnotes:using good as an adverb in place of well (\"she dances real good , \" \"he did good\") is nonstandard usage - so , it would be best to say \"she dances very well , \" \"he did well\"well is an adverb to describe an activity; good is an adjective to describe a condition or state , abundantly , amply , appropriately , becomingly , by a wide margin , considerably , easily , effortlessly , entirely , extremely , far , fittingly , freely , greatly , heartily , highly , luxuriantly , plentifully , quite , rather , readily , right , somewhat , substantially , very much , whollynotes:using good as an adverb in place of well (\"she dances real good , absolutely , all , altogether , dead , flat , just , perfectly , totally , utterly , wholly , much
- abyss , bore , chasm , depression , derivation , fount , fountain , fountainhead , geyser , hole , inception , mine , mouth , origin , pit , pool , repository , reservoir , root , shaft , source , spa , spout , spring , springs , watering place , wellspringnotes:using good as an adverb in place of well (\"she dances real good , \" \"he did good\") is nonstandard usage - so , it would be best to say \"she dances very well , \" \"he did well\"well is an adverb to describe an activity; good is an adjective to describe a condition or state , beginning , mother , parent , provenance , provenience , rootstock
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