• Squat

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    to sit in a low or crouching position with the legs drawn up closely beneath or in front of the body; sit on one's haunches or heels.
    to crouch down or cower, as an animal.
    to settle on or occupy property, esp. otherwise unoccupied property, without any title, right, or payment of rent.
    to settle on public land under government regulation, in order to acquire title.
    Nautical . (of a vessel, esp. a power vessel) to draw more water astern when in motion forward than when at rest.

    Verb (used with object)

    to cause to squat.
    to occupy (property) as a squatter.


    (of a person, animal, the body, etc.) short and thickset.
    low and thick or broad
    The building had a squat shape.
    seated or being in a squatting position; crouching.


    the act or fact of squatting.
    a squatting position or posture.
    a weightlifting exercise in which a person squats and then returns to an erect position while holding a barbell at the back of the shoulders.
    Nautical . the tendency of a vessel to draw more water astern when in motion than when stationary.
    Slang . doodly-squat.
    a place occupied by squatters.


    lanky , skinny , slender , tall , thin

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