• Stopper

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a person or thing that stops.
    a plug, cork, bung, or other piece for closing a bottle, tube, drain, or the like.
    Informal . something or someone that commands attention, as an unusual window display or a flamboyant person.
    Cards . a card in a suit that prevents the successive taking of all tricks in the suit by the opponents.
    Baseball Slang . a formidably and consistently effective pitcher counted on to win, as a team's best starting pitcher or a superior reliever often called on to preserve a victory; pitching ace.

    Verb (used with object)

    to close, secure, or fit with a stopper.


    choke , cork , fill , stop , bung , lid , plug , stopple , wad

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