Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Sports .
- to check (a stroke, blow, etc.); parry; ward off.
- to defeat (an opposing player or team)
- The Browns stopped the Colts.
- Boxing . to defeat by a knockout or technical knockout
- Louis stopped Conn in the 13th round.
Music .
- the act of closing a fingerhole or pressing a string of an instrument in order to produce a particular note.
- a device or contrivance, as on an instrument, for accomplishing this.
- (in an organ) a graduated set of pipes of the same kind and giving tones of the same quality.
- Also called stop knob. a knob or handle that is drawn out or pushed back to permit or prevent the sounding of such a set of pipes or to control some other part of the organ.
- (in a reed organ) a group of reeds functioning like a pipe-organ stop.
Sports . an individual defensive play or act that prevents an opponent or opposing team from scoring, advancing, or gaining an advantage, as a catch in baseball, a tackle in football, or the deflection of a shot in hockey.
Phonetics .
- an articulation that interrupts the flow of air from the lungs.
- a consonant sound characterized by stop articulation, as p, b, t, d, k, and g. Compare continuant .
Verb phrases
- bar , barricade , blank wall , block , blockade , break , break off , brick wall , cease , cessation , check , close , closing , conclusion , control , cutoff , desistance , discontinuation , ending , fence , finish , freeze * , grinding halt , hindrance , layoff , letup , lull , pause , plug , roadblock * , screeching halt , standstill , stay , stoppage , termination , wall , depot , destination , halt , rest , sojourn , stage , station , stopover , terminus , cut-off , discontinuance , surcease , closure , completion , consummation , end of the line , period , stopping point , wind-up , wrap-up , barrier , blockage , clog , hamper , hurdle , impediment , obstacle , obstruction , snag , traverse , choke , cork , fill , stopper , abscission , armistice , avast , hiatus , interception , intermission , interruption , obturation , occlusion , oppilation , quiescence , stasis , suspension
- be over , blow off * , break , break off , call it a day , cease , close , cold turkey * , come to a standstill , conclude , cool it , cut out * , cut short , desist , discontinue , draw up , drop , end , finish , halt , hang it up , hold , kill , pause , pull up , put an end to , quit , quit cold , refrain , run its course , scrub * , shut down , sign off , stall , stand , stay , tarry , terminate , wind up * , wrap up * , arrest , avoid , bar , block , bottle , check , choke , choke off , clog , congest , cut off , disrupt , fill , fix , forestall , frustrate , gag , hinder , hush , impede , intercept , interrupt , muzzle , obstruct , occlude , plug , put a stop to , rein in , repress , restrain , seal , shut off , shut out , silence , staunch , stem , still , stopper , suspend , throw over , turn off , ward off , cork , belay , leave off , surcease , idle , immobilize , tie up , give up , relinquish , remit , cut out , call , come by , come over , drop by , drop in , look in , look up , pop in , run in , see , accost , adjourn , anchor , barricade , behold , blockade , brake , caesura , calk , catch , caulk , cessation , checkmate , circumvent , close up , conclusion , curb , cutoff , dam , defeat , delay , detain , deter , embar , forbear , forbear:lodge , hindrance , intermission , intermit , interruption , layover , lull , obstacle , obstruction , obturate , oppilate , period , postpone , preclude , pretermit , prevent , prohibit , refrainfrom , repel , roadblock , sojourn , stagnate , stanch , standstill , station , stifle , suppress , thwart , waylay , withhold
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