Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a piece of wood or other material used to stop up a hole or aperture, to fill a gap, or to act as a wedge.
Electricity . a device to which may be attached the conductors of a cord and which by insertion in a jack, or screwing into a receptacle, establishes contact.
Informal . the favorable mention of something, as in a lecture, radio show, etc.; advertisement; recommendation
Angling . an artificial lure made of wood, plastic, or metal, and fitted with one or more gang hooks, used chiefly in casting.
a patch of scalp with viable hair follicles that is used as a graft for a bald part of the head. Compare hair transplant .
Verb (used with object)
Verb (used without object)
Verb phrases
plug in,
- to connect to an electrical power source
- Plug the TV set in over there.
- Informal . to add or include; incorporate
- They still have to plug in more research data.
plug into,
- to connect or become connected by or as if by means of a plug
- The device will plug into any convenient wall outlet. The proposed new departments would eventually plug into the overall organizational plan.
- Informal . to feel an affinity for; like; understand
- Some kids just don't plug into sports in school.
pull the plug on
- Informal .
- to discontinue or terminate
- The government has threatened to pull the plug on further subsidies.
- to disconnect life-sustaining equipment from (a moribund patient).
- bung , connection , cork , filling , fitting , occlusion , river , spigot , stopple , tampon , wedge , advertisement , blurb * , good word , hype * , mention , push * , write-up , choke , fill , stop , stopper , ballyhoo , buildup , publicity , puffery , adapter , embolus , pledget , spile , tampion , tampoon
- block , bung , choke , clog , close , congest , cork , cover , drive in , fill , obstruct , occlude , pack , ram , seal , secure , stop , stopper , stopple , stuff , advertise , boost * , build up * , hype * , mention , promote , push * , write up , gun , pick off , ballyhoo , build up , cry , popularize , publicize , talk up , boost , enhance , puff , tout , dam , fitting , hack , persevere , push , wad
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