Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- acting , additional , alternate , another , artificial , backup , counterfeit , dummy , ersatz * , experimental , false , imitation , makeshift , mock , near , other , provisional , proxy , pseudo * , replacement , representative , reserve , second , sham , simulated , spurious , stopgap * , substitutive , supplemental , supplementary , supposititious , surrogate , symbolic , temporary , tentative , vicarial , vicarious , substituted , substitutional , substitutionary , succedaneous
- agent , alternate , assistant , auxiliary , backup , changeling , delegate , deputy , dernier ressort , double , dummy , equivalent , expediency , expedient , fill-in , ghost , ghost writer , locum , locum tenens , makeshift , pinch-hitter , procurator , proxy , recourse , refuge , relay , relief , replacement , representative , reserve , resort , resource , standby , stand-in , stopgap * , sub * , succedaneum , successor , supplanter , supply , surrogate , symbol , temp , temporary , temporary expedient , understudy , vicar , commutation , envoy , ersatz , exchange , imitation , lieutenant , quid pro quo , resource. associated word: vicarious , shift , substitution , surrogation , vicariousness
- act for , alternate , answer for , back up , be in place of , change , commute , cover for , deputize , displace , do the work of , double for , fill in for , fill one’s position , go as , proxy , relieve , replace , serve in one’s stead , spell , stand for , stand in for , sub * , supersede , supplant , swap , swap places with , switch , take another’s place , take over , exchange , interchange , shift , trade , fill in , stand in , supply , alter ego , alternative , artificial , backup , deputy , double , ersatz , extra , imitation , improvised , makeshift , replacement , reserve , second , sit in , standby , standin , succedaneum , surrogate , understudy
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