Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- agent , alternate , ambassador , appointee , catchpole , commissioner , consul , deputy , emissary , envoy , factor , front * , legate , member , member of congress , minister , mouthpiece , nominee , people’s choice , pinch hitter , plenipotentiary , proxy , regent , rep , replacement , senator , spokesperson , stand-in , substitute , surrogate , vicar , viceroynotes:as a noun , [[delegate is a person appointed or elected to represent others - as a verb delegate means to transfer power or authority to someone; relegate means to refer to another person for decision or judgment or assign to a lower position or reduce in ranka delegation differs from a legation in that the members of a delegation are usually not charged with a specific mission but merely with the overall task of representing the interests of a body of people]] , often at a conference during an assembly\'s regular session; a legate usually acts alone while a delegate acts as part of a group , representative
- accredit , appoint , assign , authorize , cast , charge , choose , commission , constitute , depute , deputize , designate , elect , give nod , invest , license , mandate , name , nominate , ordain , place trust in , select , swear in , warrantnotes:as a noun , [[delegate is a person appointed or elected to represent others - as a verb delegate means to transfer power or authority to someone; relegate means to refer to another person for decision or judgment or assign to a lower position or reduce in ranka delegation differs from a legation in that the members of a delegation are usually not charged with a specific mission but merely with the overall task of representing the interests of a body of people]] , often at a conference during an assembly\'s regular session; a legate usually acts alone while a delegate acts as part of a group , consign , devolve , entrust , give , hand over , hold responsible for , parcel out * , pass on , relegate , send on errand , send on mission , shunt , transfernotes:as a noun , agent , commit , deputy , emissary , empower , legate , proxy , send , transfer
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