• Synthetic

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    of, pertaining to, proceeding by, or involving synthesis ( opposed to analytic ).
    noting or pertaining to compounds formed through a chemical process by human agency, as opposed to those of natural origin
    synthetic vitamins; synthetic fiber.
    (of a language) characterized by a relatively widespread use of affixes, rather than separate words, to express syntactic relationships
    Latin is a synthetic language, while English is analytic. Compare analytic def. 3 polysynthetic def. 1
    Also, synthetical. Logic . of or pertaining to a noncontradictory proposition in which the predicate is not included in, or entailed by, the subject.
    not real or genuine; artificial; feigned
    a synthetic chuckle at a poor joke.
    Jewelry .
    noting a gem mineral manufactured so as to be physically, chemically, and optically identical with the mineral as found in nature.
    (not in technical use) noting a gem mineral manufactured and pigmented in imitation of a natural gemstone of that name.


    something made by a synthetic, or chemical, process.
    substances or products made by chemical synthesis, as plastics or artificial fibers.
    the science or industry concerned with such products.


    genuine , natural , real

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