Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
having a real or physical existence, as opposed to one that is spiritual, intellectual, fictitious, etc.
happening in the ordinary or usual course of things, without the intervention of accident, violence, etc.
Cards .
- being a card other than a wild card or joker.
- (of a set or sequence of cards) containing no wild cards.
any person or thing that is or is likely or certain to be very suitable to and successful in an endeavor without much training or difficulty.
- accustomed , anticipated , characteristic , common , commonplace , congenital , connatural , consistent , constant , counted on , customary , essential , familiar , general , habitual , inborn , indigenous , ingenerate , inherent , innate , instinctive , intuitive , involuntary , legitimate , logical , looked for , matter-of-course , natal , native , ordinary , prevailing , prevalent , probable , reasonable , regular , relied on , spontaneous , typic , typical , unacquired , uncontrolled , uniform , universal , usual , artless , being oneself , candid , childlike , credulous , direct , easy , folksy , forthright , frank , genuine , homey * , ignorant , impulsive , inartificial , ingenuous , innocent , laid-back * , naive , plain , primitive , provincial , real , rustic , simple , simplehearted , sincere , straightforward , trusting , unassumed , uncontrived , undesigning , unembarrassed , unfeigned , unforced , unlabored , unpolished , unpretentious , unschooled , unsophisticated , unstudied , unworldly , up-front , agrarian , agrestal , crude , pure , raw , unbleached , uncultivated , undomesticated , unmixed , unprocessed , whole , wild , organic , unadulterated , rough , untamed , built-in , elemental , inbred , indwelling , ingrained , intrinsic , heartfelt , hearty , honest , true , unaffected , unmannered , guileless , casual , informal , relaxed , unceremonious , unrestrained , homely , homespun , unadorned , lifelike , naturalistic , true-life , truthful , baseborn , bastard , misbegotten , spurious , unlawful , accepted , al fresco , au naturel , endogenous , expected , hereditary , illegitimate , normal , open , original , physical , unpremeditated , unrefined , unregenerate , wold
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