• Transpose

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    to change the relative position, order, or sequence of; cause to change places; interchange
    to transpose the third and fourth letters of a word.
    to transfer or transport.
    Algebra . to bring (a term) from one side of an equation to the other, with corresponding change of sign.
    Mathematics . (of a matrix) to interchange rows and columns.
    Music . to reproduce in a different key, by raising or lowering in pitch.
    to transform; transmute.

    Verb (used without object)

    to perform a piece of music in a key other than the one in which it is written
    to transpose at sight.


    Mathematics . a matrix formed from a given matrix by transposing.


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