• Verb (used with object)

    to turn from one language into another or from a foreign language into one's own
    to translate Spanish.
    to change the form, condition, nature, etc., of; transform; convert
    to translate wishes into deeds.
    to explain in terms that can be more easily understood; interpret.
    to bear, carry, or move from one place, position, etc., to another; transfer.
    Mechanics . to cause (a body) to move without rotation or angular displacement; subject to translation.
    Computers . to convert (a program, data, code, etc.) from one form to another
    to translate a FORTRAN program into assembly language.
    Telegraphy . to retransmit or forward (a message), as by a relay.
    Ecclesiastical .
    to move (a bishop) from one see to another.
    to move (a see) from one place to another.
    to move (relics) from one place to another.
    to convey or remove to heaven without natural death.
    Mathematics . to perform a translation on (a set, function, etc.).
    to express the value of (a currency) in a foreign currency by applying the exchange rate.
    to exalt in spiritual or emotional ecstasy; enrapture.

    Verb (used without object)

    to provide or make a translation; act as translator.
    to admit of translation
    The Greek expression does not translate easily into English.



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