• Tread

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    to set down the foot or feet in walking; step; walk.
    to step, walk, or trample so as to press, crush, or injure something (usually fol. by on or upon )
    to tread on a person's foot.
    (of a male bird) to copulate.

    Verb (used with object)

    to step or walk on, about, in, or along.
    to trample or crush underfoot.
    to form by the action of walking or trampling
    to tread a path.
    to treat with disdainful harshness or cruelty; crush; oppress.
    to perform by walking or dancing
    to tread a measure.
    (of a male bird) to copulate with (a female bird).


    the action of treading, stepping, or walking.
    the sound of footsteps.
    manner of treading or walking.
    a single step as in walking.
    any of various things or parts on which a person or thing treads, stands, or moves.
    the part of the under surface of the foot or of a shoe that touches the ground.
    the horizontal upper surface of a step in a stair, on which the foot is placed.
    the part of a wheel, tire, or runner that bears on the road, rail, etc.
    the pattern raised on or cut into the face of a rubber tire.
    caterpillar tread.
    Railroads . that part of a rail in contact with the treads of wheels. ?


    tread on someone's toes or corns
    to offend or irritate someone.
    tread the boards, to act on the stage
    esp. professionally
    He recalled the days when he had trod the boards.
    tread water
    Swimming . to maintain the body erect in the water with the head above the surface usually by a pumping up-and-down movement of the legs and sometimes the arms.
    Slang . to make efforts that maintain but do not further one's status, progress, or performance
    He's just treading water here until he can find another job.

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