• Track

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a structure consisting of a pair of parallel lines of rails with their crossties, on which a railroad train, trolley, or the like runs.
    a wheel rut.
    evidence, as a mark or a series of marks, that something has passed.
    Usually, tracks. footprints or other marks left by an animal, person, or vehicle
    a lion's tracks; car tracks.
    a path made or beaten by or as if by the feet of people or animals; trail
    to follow the track of a murderer.
    a line of travel or motion
    the track of a bird.
    a course or route followed.
    a course of action, conduct, or procedure
    on the right track to solve the problem.
    a path or course made or laid out for some particular purpose.
    a series or sequence of events or ideas.
    something associated with making a track, as the wheel span of a vehicle or the tread of a tire.
    a caterpillar tread.
    Sports .
    a course laid out for running or racing.
    the group of sports performed on such a course, as running or hurdling, as distinguished from field events.
    both track and field events as a whole.
    Recording .
    a band of recorded sound laid along the length of a magnetic tape.
    band 2 ( def. 6 ) .
    an individual song or segment of a recording
    a title track.
    a discrete, separate recording that is combined with other parts of a musical recording to produce the final aural version
    a special rhythm track added to the basic track.
    Automotive . the distance between the centers of the treads of either the front or rear wheels of a vehicle.
    Computers . a data-recording path on a storage medium, as a magnetic disk, tape, or drum, that is accessible to a read-write head in a given position as the medium moves past.
    tracks, Slang . needle marks on the arm, leg, or body of a drug user caused by habitual injections.
    sound track.
    a metal strip or rail along which something, as lighting or a curtain, can be mounted or moved.
    Education . a study program or level of curriculum to which a student is assigned on the basis of aptitude or need; academic course or path.

    Verb (used with object)

    to follow or pursue the track, traces, or footprints of.
    to follow (a track, course, etc.).
    to make one's way through; traverse.
    to leave footprints on (often fol. by up or on )
    to track the floor with muddy shoes.
    to make a trail of footprints with (dirt, snow, or the like)
    The dog tracked mud all over the living room rug.
    to observe or monitor the course or path of (an aircraft, rocket, satellite, star, etc.), as by radar or radio signals.
    to observe or follow the course of progress of; keep track of.
    to furnish with a track or tracks, as for railroad trains.
    Railroads . to have (a certain distance) between wheels, runners, rails, etc.

    Verb (used without object)

    to follow or pursue a track or trail.
    to run in the same track, as the wheels of a vehicle.
    to be in alignment, as one gearwheel with another.
    to have a specified span between wheels or runners
    The car's wheels track about five feet.
    Movies, Television . dolly ( def. 12 ) .
    Recording . to follow the undulations in the grooves of a phonograph record. ?

    Verb phrase

    track down, to pursue until caught or captured; follow
    to track down a killer.


    in one's tracks
    Informal . in the spot in which one is or is standing at the moment
    He stopped dead in his tracks, listening for the sound to be repeated.
    keep track
    to be aware; keep informed
    Have you been keeping track of the time?
    lose track
    to fail to keep informed; neglect to keep a record
    He soon lost track of how much money he had spent.
    make tracks
    Informal . to go or depart in a hurry
    to make tracks for the store before closing time.
    off the track
    departing from the objective or the subject at hand; astray
    He can't tell a story without getting off the track.
    on the track of
    in search or pursuit of; close upon
    They are on the track of a solution to the problem.
    on the wrong or right side of the tracks
    from a poor or wealthy part of a community or of society
    born on the wrong side of the tracks.

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