• Watch over

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    to be alertly on the lookout, look attentively, or observe, as to see what comes, is done, or happens
    to watch while an experiment is performed.
    to look or wait attentively and expectantly (usually fol. by for )
    to watch for a signal; to watch for an opportunity.
    to be careful or cautious
    Watch when you cross the street.
    to keep awake, esp. for a purpose; remain vigilant, as for protection or safekeeping
    to watch with a sick person.
    to keep vigil, as for devotional purposes.
    to keep guard
    She was assigned to watch at the door.

    Verb (used with object)

    to keep under attentive view or observation, as in order to see or learn something; view attentively or with interest
    to watch a play; to watch a football game.
    to contemplate or regard mentally
    to watch his progress.
    to look or wait attentively and expectantly for
    to watch one's opportunity.
    to guard, tend, or oversee, esp. for protection or safekeeping
    to watch the baby.


    close, continuous observation for the purpose of seeing or discovering something
    Their watch for the birds was unrewarding.
    vigilant guard, as for protection or restraint
    to keep watch for prowlers.
    a keeping awake for some special purpose
    a watch beside a sickbed.
    a period of time for watching or keeping guard
    to stand the first watch.
    a small, portable timepiece, as a wrist watch or pocket watch.
    a chronometer.
    Nautical .
    a period of time, usually four hours, during which one part of a ship's crew is on duty, taking turns with another part.
    the officers and crew who attend to the working of a ship for an allotted period of time.
    one of the periods, usually three or four, into which the night was divided in ancient times, as by the Greeks or Hebrews
    the fourth watch of the night.
    a person or group that watches, as a lookout, guard, or sentinel
    A watch was posted at sunset.
    Also called storm watch. Meteorology . an announcement from the U.S. National Weather Service alerting the public that dangerous weather conditions are a possibility and that vigilance and precautionary preparations are advised
    hurricane watch, tornado watch. Compare advisory def. 5 warning def. 3
    a flock of nightingales. ?

    Verb phrases

    watch out, to be on one's guard; be cautious
    Watch out for cars when you cross the road.
    watch over, to guard for protection or safekeeping
    She watched over us like a mother hen over her brood.


    on the watch
    vigilant; alert
    The hunter was on the watch for game.
    watch oneself
    to be cautious.
    to practice discretion or self-restraint.



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