Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- according to , agnate , akin , alike , allied , allying , analogous , approximating , approximative , close , coextensive , cognate , commensurate , comparable , compatible , conforming , congeneric , congenerous , consistent , consonant , corresponding , double , equal , equaling , equivalent , homologous , identical , in the manner of , jibing , matching , much the same , near , not far from , not unlike , on the order of , parallel , related , relating , resembling , same , selfsame , such , twin , undifferentiated , uniformnotes:use \' like \' when no verb follows; use \' as \' when a clause follows (which has a subject and a verb) , similar , uniform , homogeneous , quasi
- admire , adore , appreciate , approve , be gratified by , be keen on , be partial to , be pleased by , be sweet on , care for , care to , cherish , delight in , derive pleasure from , dig * , dote on , esteem , exclaim , fancy , feast on , find appealing , get a kick out of * , go for * , hanker for , hold dear , indulge in , love , luxuriate in , prize , rejoice in , relish , revel in , savor , stuck on , take an interest in , take delight in , take satisfaction in , take tonotes:use \' like \' when no verb follows; use \' as \' when a clause follows (which has a subject and a verb) , desire , elect , feel disposed , feel like , have a preference for , incline toward , please , prefer , select , want , will , wishnotes:use \' like \' when no verb follows; use \' as \' when a clause follows (which has a subject and a verb) , take to , wish , akin , approve of , as , as if , choose , compatible , endorse , enjoy , equal , equivalent , favor , homogenous , identical , parallel , preference , quasi , related , resembling , same , similar , synonymous , uniform
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